Charity No. 1067776
Treasurer: Duncan Barnet, Flat 4, 8 Western Elms Avenue, Reading RG30 2AN
0118 956 9289
August 2012
Dear friends,
We are writing to you about the Branch project to create a database of teachers available to
take classes in the area.
The database has several purposes:
1. To provide information to clubs about available teachers for classes and events;
2. To put teachers in contact with opportunities to use and develop their skills and
3. To match teachers and clubs for each other’s mutual benefit;
4. To assist in the promotion and enjoyment of Scottish Country Dancing in the area.
Some people have been involved in dancing for a long time and have a wide variety of
contacts. But not everyone is in this position and if we want new people to get involved we
need to provide them with the tools to run their clubs.
Enclosed with this letter you will find a form to collect the data to be held in the database. It is
intended that a copy of the database will be sent to club secretaries. The existence of the
database would be made known on the Branch website but not available on the website. This
would protect privacy and prevent spurious use of the information.
This letter is being distributed to club secretaries with the request that they pass it and the form
on to people they think might be interested. It is also being distributed via the South East
Region Teachers’ Association (SERTA), so please accept our apologies if you receive copies
from two, or more, directions.
A Word version of the form can be obtained by emailing me at and
completed electronic versions can be sent to me at the same address. Completed paper
copies should be sent to me at the address below.
You are welcome to copy the letter and form to anyone whom you think might be interested.
Any suggestions for improvements to the data collection form will be gratefully received.
Once the database has been established it is intended that people on the database would be
circularised to update their records periodically. If someone wished to be removed from the
database then of course they would just have to ask.
The Branch would appreciate your help in developing this resource.
Yours sincerely
Duncan Barnet
On behalf of the BHS Border Branch Committee